Category:3D pie charts
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Please note: Tips for making pie charts (number one: don't make 3D pie charts as they are misleading!)
Nederlands: 3D-Cirkeldiagrammen. Een cirkeldiagram, schijfdiagram of taartdiagram is een grafiek ofwel diagram in de vorm van een cirkel.
Media in category "3D pie charts"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 307 total.
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000007-warum-medieninformatik-studieren.jpg 469 × 223; 29 KB
080998 Universe Content 240 after Planck.jpg 850 × 1,200; 127 KB
14-15.electroless.nickel.jpg 607 × 249; 25 KB
17paź2006 samorozwiązanie wniosek PO.png 416 × 326; 12 KB
17paź2006 samorozwiązanie wniosek SLD.png 416 × 326; 13 KB
1881 Occupational Structure of Females in Stapleford.png 561 × 317; 56 KB
1881 Occupational Structure of Males in Stapleford.png 576 × 314; 56 KB
2009년 정당별 의석수 현황.PNG 451 × 337; 10 KB
2011년 독일의 에너지 자원 별 전력생산.png 1,502 × 1,127; 57 KB
2013 정당별 의석수 현황.PNG 430 × 292; 12 KB
2014 Distribution of Languages on Internet Websites.jpg 1,000 × 625; 189 KB
2014 Parts des systèmes d'exploitation PC.PNG 515 × 395; 31 KB
60% Chart.png 507 × 544; 10 KB
90 Percent.svg 398 × 206; 12 KB
99 Percent.svg 398 × 206; 12 KB
AccionesIcaria.png 593 × 425; 32 KB
Actionnariat Libé.png 746 × 505; 28 KB
AFG2001ETH.PNG 513 × 394; 9 KB
Age Distribution of the Death due to Road Injury in Cameroon,2017.jpg 1,280 × 720; 64 KB
Age v.1.0.jpg 483 × 291; 71 KB
AKKA Technologies 2015 Repartition par secteurs d activites.png 643 × 312; 16 KB
Alaska RaceComposition2005 PieChart.svg 1,050 × 800; 49 KB
ALECrevenue2009.jpg 525 × 525; 28 KB
Amrut Scheme Palakkad Fund Allocation.png 750 × 500; 152 KB
Anteil der Staatsleistungen.png 1,580 × 890; 178 KB
AnwendungsgebieteTEG.JPG 802 × 392; 28 KB
Arretranco trazado2.jpg 739 × 448; 133 KB
Asset allocation.png 543 × 287; 15 KB
Atrophy20.png 332 × 285; 7 KB
Atrophy30.png 332 × 285; 6 KB
ATV OWNERSHIP.png 1,512 × 889; 517 KB
Bariérovosť 2012.png 680 × 289; 15 KB
BAROMETRE ATES 2010.png 460 × 377; 51 KB
BBC Breakdown of Income.jpg 447 × 229; 12 KB
BBC expenditure percentage Redvers.png 1,272 × 588; 34 KB
BBC income 2004 in GBP Redvers.png 1,556 × 620; 24 KB
Beaver Dam High School (Wisconsin, USA) Post Graduation Plans.png 500 × 225; 18 KB
BeschaeftigungStPeterobJudenburg2001.jpg 1,099 × 769; 211 KB
BG distribution epa service by category 2009.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
BG distribution epa service by category 2011.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
BG epa service 2008 distribution by categories.png 911 × 623; 51 KB
Biogene oele prozentual.jpg 1,178 × 738; 113 KB
BTW05 SV ho re 0005.jpg 895 × 382; 105 KB
Callcenter Herkunft.jpg 664 × 373; 73 KB
Callcenter Seats.jpg 664 × 372; 80 KB
Campaniatorta.PNG 1,054 × 571; 52 KB
Campaniatorta2.PNG 1,054 × 571; 46 KB
CAP2004beneficiaries.png 714 × 468; 9 KB
CAPspendingbysector.png 611 × 382; 24 KB
CARTA PAI PELAJAR TAHUN 2017.png 522 × 338; 24 KB
CH epa service 2010.png 911 × 623; 51 KB
Chart 1 - WLM-ZA-2012.png 379 × 244; 9 KB
Chart 7 - WLM-ZA-2012.png 380 × 320; 13 KB
Chart 8 - WLM-ZA-2012.png 377 × 314; 12 KB
ChineseInST.svg 560 × 330; 3 KB
Cm grasse.PNG 496 × 354; 26 KB
Comparison of websystems.jpg 735 × 415; 33 KB
Composition of the European Parliament.svg 195 × 179; 9 KB
Composition of the Parliament of Vojvodina (2012).svg 585 × 469; 12 KB
Composition of the the Vojvodina Parliament.SVG 452 × 355; 11 KB
Composizione chimica del petrolio.PNG 480 × 288; 13 KB
Cortes castilla la mancha 2007.png 940 × 610; 19 KB
Cuotamercado feb20008 spain.png 1,013 × 607; 43 KB
Dark matter pie.jpg 240 × 180; 5 KB
Demandes rdv lobbyistes.jpg 568 × 296; 33 KB
Diagramm LiLo.png 1,169 × 663; 50 KB
Diagramma pop fvg.JPG 580 × 289; 15 KB
Distribution epa service by category 2009.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
Dongducheon-landuse-chart.png 600 × 463; 28 KB
Drogenmix DIX.jpg 676 × 365; 16 KB
Drom pie chart.jpg 1,243 × 665; 108 KB
Dutch eu referendum results.PNG 423 × 242; 13 KB
EASA percent.JPG 601 × 327; 21 KB
EASA World.JPG 505 × 282; 14 KB
East syrian Liturgical calender.png 902 × 538; 33 KB
Editcounter.png 600 × 300; 28 KB
EHRadoption.gif 1,332 × 1,128; 16 KB
Einnahmen 01.jpg 190 × 170; 25 KB
Einstellung der deutschen Bevölkerung zur Intimrasur.svg 744 × 1,052; 43 KB
Elezions corz 1999 globals.png 661 × 377; 16 KB
Empact2005.png 504 × 236; 6 KB
EN distribution epa service by category 2010.png 489 × 300; 3 KB
EN distribution epa service by category 2011.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
EN epa service 2008 distribution by categories.png 911 × 623; 51 KB
EoC(chinese).GIF 328 × 159; 4 KB
Esquema lixiviados.jpg 779 × 249; 32 KB
Estadisticas recortadas.JPG 613 × 234; 18 KB
Estadisticas1.jpg 608 × 330; 52 KB
EthnicGroupsGisleham2011.png 388 × 289; 9 KB
Ethnologie pfeit.GIF 466 × 251; 12 KB
EUexpenditure2004.png 794 × 390; 16 KB
EUrevenuesources2004.png 650 × 344; 16 KB
Facebook users by age.PNG 628 × 486; 26 KB
FarmlandinEU2.gif 658 × 460; 17 KB
Sozialstruktur FDP 1976.png 523 × 448; 18 KB
Flaechennutzung-MH-2009.png 2,048 × 1,321; 261 KB
FR distribution epa service by category 2009.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
FR epa service 2008 distribution by categories.png 911 × 623; 52 KB
FR epa service 2010.png 911 × 623; 52 KB
Fraction of vertebrates within the animal kingdom.jpg 527 × 171; 9 KB
Geschäftsvolumen 2010 nach Sparten.jpg 571 × 346; 25 KB
GLAM Umfrage 2017 - Haltung.png 641 × 523; 38 KB
Global Soybean Meal Consumption (11717587375).jpg 1,532 × 1,201; 794 KB
Graf senat1996 slozeni.gif 483 × 291; 14 KB
Graf senat1998 slozeni.gif 483 × 291; 14 KB
Graf senat1998 volby.gif 483 × 291; 15 KB
Graf senat2000 slozeni.gif 483 × 291; 14 KB
Graf senat2000 volby.gif 483 × 291; 16 KB
Grafic1.JPG 480 × 280; 12 KB
Grafic3.jpg 480 × 290; 13 KB
Grafica gloria aldeacipreste.xcf 491 × 294; 34 KB
Grafico demografia do afeganistao.jpeg 1,152 × 847; 72 KB
Grafico-ComeHaiConosciutoWikipedia.JPG 749 × 350; 32 KB
GraficoDosSosOut2012.png 462 × 296; 16 KB
Grafsect.png 527 × 347; 113 KB
Graph male female OT.JPG 589 × 387; 32 KB
Graphique 1-1.jpg 1,062 × 600; 93 KB
Human genome by functions.png 1,300 × 447; 313 KB
Hvilket land anser du som ditt opprinnelsesland.jpg 483 × 536; 60 KB
I9 Circ feren diagram.PNG 909 × 911; 67 KB
Ijzeroer.JPG 989 × 528; 47 KB
Imagefilledarc.png 100 × 100; 712 bytes
Imagefilledarc.svg 400 × 270; 1 KB
India smartphones.jpg 362 × 218; 13 KB
Individual Interest-Distribution Chart for Toothpaste.jpg 844 × 910; 327 KB
IRWD Operating Budget FY 11-12 graphic.jpg 491 × 445; 20 KB
IRWD Operating Budget FY 11-12 graphic.svg 416 × 337; 15 KB
Israeli legislative election 2009 diagram.png 867 × 469; 18 KB
ISS Hardware Allocation it.png 960 × 720; 42 KB
ISS Hardware Allocation.png 960 × 720; 32 KB
Japanese box office pie chart 2016 (vi).png 684 × 545; 70 KB
JFreeChart 3D pie chart sample.svg 523 × 450; 11 KB
JP epa service 2008 distribution by categories.png 911 × 623; 51 KB
JP epa service 2010.png 911 × 623; 51 KB
JP JP epa service 2010.png 911 × 623; 48 KB
JP3 epa service 2010.png 911 × 623; 48 KB
Kakediagram1.png 495 × 300; 15 KB
Kakediagram2.png 491 × 300; 14 KB
Kakediagram3.png 494 × 300; 14 KB
Kakediagram4.png 477 × 275; 37 KB
Ketogenic diets pie MCT He.svg 725 × 1,565; 105 KB
Ketogenic diets pie MCT.svg 725 × 1,565; 17 KB
Ketogenic diets pie.svg 725 × 1,565; 10 KB
Ketogenic-diets-pie-german.svg 705 × 1,569; 17 KB
Kurddistribution.png 552 × 452; 11 KB
Landuse-anseong-southkorea-piechart.png 386 × 227; 6 KB
Landusepiechart.png 537 × 501; 109 KB
Language on internet.JPG 664 × 526; 38 KB
Lux EU vote results.JPG 544 × 265; 11 KB
Luzernverkiezingen.jpg 745 × 1,047; 109 KB
Magyar orszaggyulesi valasztas 1990.png 821 × 548; 83 KB
Magyar orszaggyulesi valasztas 1994.png 1,000 × 600; 129 KB
Magyar orszaggyulesi valasztas 1998.png 1,000 × 609; 162 KB
Margit51diagrimage2012.png 600 × 300; 32 KB
Marktaandelen filmindustrie 2006 (I).png 710 × 600; 62 KB
Marrickvillecouncilbalancechart.jpg 240 × 183; 8 KB
Matter Distribution.JPG 618 × 378; 21 KB
May2008OSchart.png 420 × 300; 14 KB
Media Viewer - Survey Graph - Overall Usefulness - May 5 2014.png 489 × 403; 47 KB
Media Viewer - Survey Graph - Respondents by Group - May 5 2014.png 493 × 395; 50 KB
Mehrabian piechart small.GIF 307 × 271; 3 KB
Mehrabian piechart small.png 411 × 281; 3 KB
Mkas16geopart r.jpg 690 × 311; 34 KB
Mkas16procdur r.jpg 690 × 301; 24 KB
Motivations regarded most important for homeschooling.png 707 × 276; 17 KB
NA Biedru vecums .png 605 × 340; 20 KB
Native languages in Catalonia 2008.jpg 699 × 388; 24 KB
NL distribution epa service by category 2009.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
NL distribution epa service by category 2011.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
NL epa service 2008 distribution by categories.png 911 × 623; 52 KB
NL epa service 2010.png 911 × 623; 52 KB
Obere Mittelklasse Marktanteile Deutschland September 2009.PNG 993 × 722; 66 KB
Occupations in Woodmancote, 1881 and 2011.jpg 958 × 289; 56 KB
Occupations in Woodmancote, 1881.jpg 480 × 289; 30 KB
Occupations in Woodmancote, 2011.jpg 479 × 289; 27 KB
Occupations of Woodmancote, 1881.jpg 797 × 289; 56 KB
Ooga.png 800 × 571; 47 KB
Ouvact2005.gif 545 × 290; 7 KB
Pareto principle.svg 698 × 434; 11 KB
Part des serveurs Web.png 591 × 303; 27 KB
Parts de Marché - Gambie - Africell.png 723 × 397; 43 KB
Peeters2.png 483 × 311; 10 KB
Ph buk pop by district 2000.PNG 600 × 417; 10 KB
Ph buk pop by ethnicity 2000.PNG 695 × 342; 11 KB
Pie chart - female target customer age statistics.jpg 912 × 544; 46 KB
Pie chart of lung cancers.svg 482 × 368; 18 KB
Piecharticon.png 233 × 141; 15 KB
PL distribution epa service by category 2009.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
PL distribution epa service by category 2011.png 820 × 429; 6 KB
PL epa service 2008 distribution by categories.png 911 × 623; 53 KB
PL epa service 2010.png 911 × 623; 53 KB
Plastic Defects Percentage.png 935 × 607; 26 KB
PobCCAA SCG 2005.jpg 478 × 300; 22 KB
Podzial narodowosciowy okregu dniepropietrowskiego.gif 748 × 554; 46 KB
Popact2005.gif 573 × 270; 10 KB