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Hi there,
I'm working on explaining high school physics through the browser game on the Wikibooks project Physics Explained Through a Video Game.
If you have questions or concerns about the project, please contact me on my discussion page.
Force vectors illustrated on a sliding player (ez01) while at different slopes of a smooth surface. Note that for visual simplicity, an orange circle was put over the player's avatar. From the map Sandstone Cave by Sirestyx.
Calculating the center of mass of a snake created out of blocks with a uniform density. From the map "Block Snake" by O_o O_o O_o.
A multiple choice option to describe the motion of a krill discretely over a period of time as it accelerates uniformly into the mouth of a shark. From the map "SHARK!!" by O_dot.
Force vectors overlaid on top of a swimming koi fish. From the map fish pond by O_dot.
A diagram of the projectile motion of a player. From the map Gemspark Cave by G3nius.